Goodbye February, hello March.
The very subtle signs and sensations of spring are beginning to emerge. We spent most of the last week in Anchorage. We had fun with cousins, got some doctor and dentist appointments taken care of, and Bry & I even had a date! Dates for us are about as frequent as spotting a comet, so it was a real treat and I'm super grateful to Aunt Jenny for staying with the kiddos. I was craving a meal out and we had steaks at Southside Bistro. After ordering, I told Bry I had pretty high expectations for steak because Dad always cooked them perfectly. And he never charged me near that much ;) They were really wonderful, but I can't wait for the next time I get to have a good ole' Nebraska steak at home with Omi & Opa ....
:: Watching for Papas and airplanes:: |
::Ever trying out her new snowboard. At least she has the look down ;) :: |
:: Riding Hayden's little snowmachine. Constant fights over who gets to drive ... :: |
::Piper and Tell:: |
::Toddler Winter X-Games:: |
::Tell, Bry, Rowan, & Ever at the Fur Rondy Ice Sculpture Contest, downtown Anchorage:: |
::Easter Ice Sculpture, notice the ice halo:: |
::Had to get a picture by Darth Vader, R2D2, & Yoda for my big brothers:: |
::Bry's Favorite:: |
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