Hello New Year.

I can't believe it's 2012. I mean, really, I can't believe it. Where was I for 2005? And 2007? And 1998 for that matter? It took me a full two minutes last night to really accept that it was 2012. It just flat out doesn't sound right. I have a five-year calendar and I realized it would be 2017 when it was full. What?!? Speaking of, I thought this was hilarious:
Anyway, my pictures by now may have made it obvious that I only really "blog" when Ever is gone. Here is a small peak at the new color in the living room. I really like it and am getting anxious to get our pictures and things back on the wall.
Today I considered googling what to do when you haven't got much sleep in over seven months and then I realized I already know what I would find -- nap, exercise, quit thinking coffee is going to work a miracle -- Ah, to just eek up enough energy to actually attempt change. That is the challenge.

Beautiful snow is falling. The house is temporarily quiet. I am blessed. Thinking of loved ones today -- especially the birthday girl... xoxo

P.S. A new Ever quote:
"Oh Telly, you are so cute I can hardly 'tand it."
My girl.


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