
Well, we're back from a few days away.  All four ducks and the dog survived our being gone.  Driving into Stacey's the other day Ever asked who writes on the sides of the hills (people up here spell things with rocks in the hills on the sides of the highway).  I told her "travellers" do that.  Driving home today, she asked me (of course), 
"Why do travellers write on the hills?"  
"I don't know." 
"Where do travellers live?"
I said that travellers are anyone away from home and sometimes we get to be travellers too.  

Anyway, it was fun being a traveller this last week. We had a lot of fun and took a few fun pictures along the way.  I wish I was the type to stop along the road and take pictures.  Used to be.  May do it again someday.  But the scenery was breathtaking.  Beautiful gray rivers speckled with bright purple fireweed.  Brilliant skies with crisp beautiful mountains.  A lovely, lovely drive.
We went in for Ever to be a flower girl in a wedding and to spend a few days with Stacey and Oliver.  The kids kept us worn out, but laughing. Can't wait until next time we get to be travellers again ....
Oh, and Ever "read" her first thing -- she said, "Those rocks say 'I love you'."  
Does I heart U count as reading a word?  Of course it does. :)
Hang in there Tell.  Love you Papa.

Ever in her flower girl outfit.  My hands were full and I was too flustered during the actual wedding to get a picture.  She and Hayden did wonderful.

Tell loves going to Aunt Stacey's.  He eats like a king there :)

Kiddos lined up to explore Talkeetna.

After Whitney's wedding.

Learning how to toss the ol' horse shoes in downtown Talkeetna.

Sweet chubby baby hands. xo

Crazy kids ready to roll.

Tell practicing the move he learned from Ollie this week.

Time flies, doesn't it??

Happy Father's Day, Dad.  I love you.


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