Favorites I

::Mom & Great Gram with Mom's birthday cake -- beautiful ladies::
::Mom, Shermans, McMahans, Great Grama Piatt, Leeper, Rolstons,
& Nazarkos at Willie's Restaurant::
::showing a pretty Grampa her sea glass from Sea Glass Beach::
:family outing with Chris to Sea Glass Beach::
::Bmen on the hunt::
::lovin' life on the whaler::
::Tell and his "I'm in the Bahamas" smile::
::Tell & Papa taking a dip::
::Tell & Ever, enjoying the sand on the first day at Crooked:
::Ever, first day on the beach::
I had thought I could narrow my vacation pictures down to my 10 favorites... I still may try to narrow it down, but in the meantime I am going to try to post 10 favorites each day for maybe 5 days or so.... We will see how it goes. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to editing, brightening, etc. and probably won't. I think the pictures can hold their own though.

Right now, at home, spring is coming on strong. On Tuesday we had out Ever's skis to practice in the slush and warmer air. Yesterday we had out a tricycle to practice on the newly uncovered driveway and we started some seeds for the garden. (yay!) I can honestly say we are all excited about spring and it feels good to be in sync with mother nature's timing. I have been obsessively checking the buds on my trees and shrubs. I even attempted a jog this morning in the beautiful crisp morning air, but the dog, the stroller, and gravity got the best of me real quick... another day.


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